1869 SELTEN! Ein Predigtkurs: Hermann Adler - Oberrabbiner Jüdische Geschichte Tora
A COURSE OF SERMONS ON THE BIBLICAL PASSAGES ADDUCED BY CHRISTIAN THEOLOGIANS IN SUPPORT OF THE DOGMAS OF THEIR FAITH 1st Edition. Period Boards. 8vo. [v], 176 pages ; 19 cm. Preached in the Bayswater synagogue by Hermann Adler. Printed by request. Rabbi Hermann Adler HaKohen CVO (1839 - 1911) was the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire from 1891 to 1911. The son (and successor as Chief Rabbi) of Nathan Marcus Adler, the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica writes that he â raised the position [of Chief Rabbi] to one of much dignity and importance. '" (Wikipedia, 2017) This collection was one of Adler's earliest publications, and the first published collection of his sermons. SUBJECT(S) : Judaism -- Relations -- Christianity 360:358:367
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