300 Kunst des Films Zack Snyder Dilullo + Graphic Novel Frank Miller Bücher Film
19,36 €
These books are a must-have for fans of the epic film "300" and its stunning visual style. Written by Zack Snyder, the film's director, and Frank Miller, a renowned author and artist, this first edition hardcover book is a treasure trove of behind-the-scenes artwork and insights into the making of the film. The book is in English and published by Dark Horse Books in 2007. The book covers various topics related to the film, including the graphic novel that inspired it, and features stunning illustrations of the film's iconic characters and scenes. Whether you're a fan of horses or just a lover of great storytelling, this book is sure to impress. Add it to your collection today!
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Publication Year:2007
Book Title:300 The Art of the Film
Author:Zack Snyder
Features:1st Edition
Publisher:Dark Horse Books
Edition:First Edition
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 24,16 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 04. March 2025 und 12. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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