A Bibliography of the Writings of Lewis Carroll. (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, M. A
Innen minim. gebräunt, sonst sehr sauberer, guter Zustand. Nur auf S. 110/111 mit dezentem Wasserfleck oben und einem kl. Fleck auf S. xiii. Seiten unbeschnitten, gebräunt. Einige Seiten vorne unaufgeschnitten. - Inside very slightly bronzy otherwise very good condition. Only on pages 110/111 with one discreet waterspot on top and one small spot on page xiii. Some pages are not cut off at the front edge. Pages without cutting egde, bronzy. Contents: Part 1: Books issued under the name of "Lewis Caroll", and other books in the carrollian Vein. Part 2: C. L. Dodgson's mathematical and other works. Part 3: Contributions to Periodicals and books, not reprinted in Lewis Carroll's lifetime. Part 4: Some books about Lewis Carroll, and miscellanea. Mit acht Buchtitelseiten in Faksimile.
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