Alices Abenteuer im Wunderland & durch den Spiegel von Lewis Carroll PB
3,84 €
Get lost in the magical world of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll. This mass market book, published by Signet, is a perfect addition to any bookshelf. With 240 pages of action, mystery, and adventure, this book is sure to captivate readers of all ages. The book measures 4.2 inches in length, 7 inches in width, and 0.7 inches in height, with a weight of 4.2 ounces. It is illustrated and written in English, making it accessible to a wide audience. The story is a perfect blend of fairy tales, mysticism, and science fiction, with elements of war and combat, paranormal, and romance. This book is a must-read for anyone who loves fantasy, art, and culture.
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Book Title:Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and Through the Looking Glass
Item Length:4.2 in
Format:Mass Market
Item Height:0.7 in
Author:Lewis Carroll
Genre:Action, Adventure, Art & Culture, Children & Young Adults, Crime & Thriller, Drama, Fairy Tale, Fantasy, Film/TV Adaptation, Folklore & Mythology, Historical, History, Horror, Humor, Magic, Mystery, Mysticism, Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction, War & Combat, Women's Fiction, World literature & Classics, Juvenile Fiction, Fiction
Topic:Fairy Tales & Folklore / General
Item Weight:4.2 Oz
Item Width:7 in
Number of Pages:240 Pages
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 19,53 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 28. March 2025 und 08. April 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 18,78 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 28. March 2025 und 08. April 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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Versand ausgeschlossen:Französisch-Polynesien , Libyen , Neukaledonien , Guadeloupe , Venezuela , Réunion , Barbados , Martinique , Französisch-Guayana , Ukraine , ... und weitere