Alone Into the Night (Villains and Vigilantes RPG) Fantasy Games Unlimited F-013
15,35 €
Immerse yourself in the world of Alone Into the Night (Villains & Vigilantes RPG) by Ken Cliffe & Kent Paling. This staple-bound book with a glossy cover and little wear is a must-have for any fantasy game enthusiast. The book provides short scenarios for the gamemaster, featuring mysteries and vigilantes game system, and is perfect for solo mini-adventures. The book is from 1985 and has 25 pages, written in English. It covers a range of topics including street gangs, robot gangs, and gangsters. This book is a great addition to any collection and is sure to provide hours of excitement and entertainment.
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Book Condition:Very Good
Book Title:Alone Into the Night (Villains & Vigilantes RPG)
Publisher:Fantasy Games Unlimited (FGU)
Defects:Glossy cover, little wear. No character counters.
Publication Year:1985
Cover:Staple Bound
Format:Staple Bound
Author:Ken Cliffe & Kent Paling
Features:Here's a trio of terrific solo mini-adventures for the Villains, and Vigilantes game system. One hero takes on a triple threat, of short scenarios provided for the gamemaster. Mystery and, mayhem await the hero in his own fair city to the great white, north! From street gangs to robot gangs to gangsters, it's all, here in these excitement-filled mini-adventures.
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Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 18,94 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 14. March 2025 und 24. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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