Alte historische Aufzeichnungen von Norwalk, Conn. mit einem Plan der Antike
39,70 €
Hall, Edwin Ancient Historical Records of Norwalk, Conn. Folding frontis map, folding illustrations throughout. Good and sound history of Norwalk at the middle of the 19th century. Disbound, no covers, presents as marbled endpapers front and back, pages clean and unfoxed, none torn or marked, rated G+, candidate for rebinding at your choice.
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Author:Hall, Edwin
Book Title:Ancient Historical Records of Norwalk, Conn.
Publisher:James Mallory & Co
Publication Year:1847
Edition:First Edition :
Book Condition:Good+
Features:12 mo volume disbound, no covers, presents as marbled endpapers, front and back, pages clean and unfoxed, none torn or marked,, rated G+, candidate for rebinding at your choice. Folding, frontis map, folding illustrations throughout. Good and sound, history of Norwalk at the middle of the 19th century. Disbound,, no covers, presents as marbled endpapers front and back, pages, clean and unfoxed, none torn or marked, rated G+, candidate for, rebinding at your choice. Index before text, Indian deeds with, chiefs' marks, Folding large frontis map, 9 folding, illustrations : View of S Norwalk; View of Norwalk; View from, Grummond's hill; S E View of Harbor; Benedict Genealogy;, Norwalk Hotel; Children's Retreat; Prospect Hill; English &, Classic School. Another indian deed; genealogical record and, other records.
Year Printed:1847
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 23,20 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 19. March 2025 und 02. April 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 22,93 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 19. March 2025 und 02. April 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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