ERSTAUNLICHE INDUKTIONEN DVD Schnelle Hypnose Lernen Sie, wie man hypnotisiert schnelle sofortige Trance
27,41 €
AMAZING INDUCTIONS DVD Sean Michael Andrews & Keith Livingston - If you want to learn how to hypnotize fast, this is the video for you! Sean Michael Andrews “The World’s Fastest Hypnotist” is going to teach you 15 different ways to hypnotize —including several instant and rapid inductions which is his specialty! Some of the many inductions you will learn include The Handshake Interrupt induction, shock inductions, the finger snap, confusion inductions, the tug, and many many more including convincers and deepeners. Great tutorial, well focused on a topic, with real life subjects, and with a knowledgeable, personable teacher.
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Special Attributes:DVD
Book Series:How To Hypnotize
Narrative Type:Nonfiction
Author:Sean Michael Andrews
Genre:Hypnosis Instructions and Tutorials
Topic:How to Deepen a Hypnotic Trance, How to Hypnotize people fast, Hypnosis Tutorial, Hypnotherapy, Hypnotic Trance Inductions, Instant Hypnotic inductions, Psychology, Rapid hypnotism inductions, Somnambulism, Stage Hypnosis
Intended Audience:Young Adults, Adults
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 15,03 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 31. December 2024 und 08. January 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 13,77 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 31. December 2024 und 08. January 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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