Kunst des Sammelns: Persönliche Schätze, die ein Zuhause bilden, Hardcover von Lester,...
Art of Collecting : Personal Treasures That Make a Home, Hardcover by Lester, Melissa (EDT), ISBN 0978548922, ISBN-13 9780978548926, Like New Used, Free shipping in the US It may start with just one special piece that catches your eye and captures your heart, stirring an affection that quickly grows into an assemblage so dear, its sentimental value is beyond calculation. Whether it is a passion for exquisite linens, sterling silver, or fine English china—or simply the thrill of the hunt—that entices us to sift through old attics and antiques shops, estate sales, and European brocantes, we are kindred spirits, linked by an unbridled fervor for curating our favorite things.
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