Bolt Action: World War II Wargames Rules by Warlord Games, Rick Priestley
10,23 €
Bolt action is a table top gaming system, which I used for years with 28 mm and 15 mm figs. This rulebook is in great condition though it has my name inside the front cover and a little sticker with my name at the bottom of the front cover, just to show the people at the friendly local gaming store that the book was mine and not one of theirs. Inside there is no writing or highlighting, and there are no turned pages, and the binding is still in great shape. Here is your chance to get an introduction to tabletop gaming with World War II figures. There are of course many other publications by Osprey publishing for use for the old action set of rules, so the system is highly expendable and replaceable.
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Book Title:Bolt Action: World War II Wargames Rules
Book Series:Bolt Action Ser.
Publisher:Osprey Publishing
Item Length:9.8 in
Original Language:English
Intended Audience:Trade
Publication Year:2012
Illustrator:Dennis, Peter, Yes
Item Height:0.8 in
Author:Warlord Games, Rick Priestley, Alessio Cavatore
Genre:Games & Activities, History
Topic:Military Science, Military / World War II, Military / General, Role Playing & Fantasy
Item Weight:29.5 Oz
Item Width:7.7 in
Number of Pages:216 Pages
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 28,72 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 06. March 2025 und 19. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 34,15 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 06. March 2025 und 19. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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