Das wechselnde Gesicht des Imperiums: Special Ops, Drohnen, Spione, Stellvertreterkämpfer, Geheimnis...
Changing Face of Empire : Special Ops, Drones, Spies, Proxy Fighters, Secret Bases, and Cyberwarfare, Paperback by Turse, Nick, ISBN 1608463109, ISBN-13 9781608463107, Brand New, Free shipping in the US Following the failures of the Iraq and Afghan wars, as well as military lite” methods and counterinsurgency, the Pentagon is pioneering a new brand of global warfare predicated on special ops, drones, spy games, civilian soldiers, and cyberwarfare. It may sound like a safer, saner war-fighting. In reality, it will prove anything but, as Turse's pathbreaking reportage makes clear.
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