Der neue Mars Die Entdeckungen des Seemanns 9
25,82 €
B&W Illustrations:1st Edition,1st Printing.Very Good+. "Mars, our planetary neighbor that gleams redly in the. There are a couple of spots of ground-in dirt to the covers as well. The text pages are clean and bright.
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Author:Hartmann, William K. and Odell Raper (with the cooperation of
Book Title:The New Mars
Book Series:NASA Office of Space Science
Publisher:National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Publication Year:1974
Place Published:Washington, DC
Topic:Aeronautics / Astronautics
Edition:1st Edition
Printing:1st Printing
Book Condition:Very Good+
Defects:NASA publication - SP-337. This book is in Very Good+ to Near, Fine- condition and was issued without a dust jacket. The book, and its contents are in clean, bright condition. The spine ends, of the book cover have some light rubbing and wear. There are a, couple of spots of ground-in dirt to the covers as well. The, text pages are clean and bright. The endpapers have some, beginning toning, especially to the edges. "Mars, our planetary, neighbor that gleams redly in the night sky, has intrigued man, ever since he first began to study the heavens. The first, telescopes brought exciting images of white polar caps that, expanded and contracted with the seasons."
Illustration Type:B&W Illustrations
Subject:Aeronautics / Astronautics
Place of Publication:Washington, DC
Year Printed:1974
Special Attributes:1st Edition
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 24,37 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 21. February 2025 und 03. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 24,13 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 21. February 2025 und 03. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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