Felix the Water rat and the Rescue of Purr-fect (Aadventures of Felix and Pip
It's a fun and carefree life for Felix the Water rat and his gang of friends, playing together on the banks of the Werribee River. They are an unusual combination of pals - four water rats, two dogs, and even a pelican! Things are just fine, until one stormy night Felix finds himself in trouble, and it's up to his brave buddies to rescue him, with a bit of help from some friends in high places! Felix the Water rat and the Rescue of Purr-fect is an exciting tale of friendship and teamwork, and a wonderful book for the whole family to enjoy - not just on a stormy night either! Felix is even based on a real rat, and the lovely illustrations are drawn by Lorraine herself, with just the right eye for bringing Felix to life!
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