Schwimmende Ente Entenküken Fisch Teich Deko Kunststoff Köder Stockente Lebensgroß
7,14 €
Lifelike duck decoy with a weighted. 1 Piece Small Duck Decoy. It can be put in fields or float on the water due to its plastic material. It's just take you 1 minute. Are painted with realistic markings and are made of blow-molded hard plastic and also has a counter weight at the base to keep it upright.
Jetzt bei Ebay:
Country/Region of Manufacture:China
Quantity:1 Piece
Type:Duckings Floating Decoy
Economy Shipping from outside:eBay SpeedPAK Economy kostenlos - Lieferung zwischen 18. March 2025 und 20. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
Versand nach:Weltweit
Versand ausgeschlossen:Afrika , Mittelamerika und Karibik , Nordamerika , Ozeanien , Südamerika , Bahrain , Irak , Israel , Jordanien , Kuwait , ... und weitere