Zur größeren Ehre Gottes: Edelsteine der jesuitischen Spiritualität, von Louis Lallemant, ...
For God's Greater Glory : Gems of Jesuit Spirituality, from Louis Lallemant, Jean-pierre de Caussade, and Claude de la Colombiere, Paperback by Lallemant, Louis; Caussade, Jean Pierre De; LA Colombiere, Claude De; Lafouge, Jean-Pierre, ISBN 193331611X, ISBN-13 9781933316116, Brand New, Free P&P in the UK Focusing on key writings by three of the most important representatives of the Jesuit order, Louis Lallement, Jean Pierre Caussade and Claude de la Columbiere, this work takes the reader to the heart of one of the most influential spiritual traditions within the Catholic Church.
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