Vierzehn kleine rote Hütten und andere Theaterstücke, Taschenbuch von Platonov, Andrej; Chan...
Fourteen Little Red Huts and Other Plays, Paperback by Platonov, Andrei; Chandler, Robert (EDT); Larsen, Susan (TRN); Irwin, Jesse (TRN); Duzhina, Natalya (CON), ISBN 0231181299, ISBN-13 9780231181297, Like New Used, Free shipping in the US This essential collection of Andrei Platonov's plays presents The Hurdy-Gurdy, Fourteen Little Red Huts, and Grandmother's Little Hut. Written in 1930 and 1933, respectively, The Hurdy-Gurdy and Fourteen Little Red Huts constitute an impassioned and penetrating response to Stalin's assault on the Soviet peasantry.
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