Frank Norris MORAN OF THE LADY LETTY 1st Canadian Edition 1899 Morang's Florin
93,82 €
Softcover 8vo 8" - 9" tall 293 pp. Small octavo. Original dull red paper covers, No. 6 in the Morang's Florin Series, the first Canadian edition of Norris's second novel. Covers are a bit dulled, corners chipped, front cover starting to separate from spine, spine is sunned and crinkled, small lack at top of back cover.
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Author:Norris, Frank
Book Title:Moran of the Lady Letty: a Story of Adventure off the
Book Series:Morang's Florin Series
Publisher:George N. Morange & Co.
Publication Year:1899
Place Published:Toronto
Title:Frank Norris MORAN OF THE LADY LETTY 1st Canadian Edition 1899
Book Condition:Good with no dust jacket
Features:293 pp. Small octavo. Original dull red paper covers, No. 6 in, the Morang's Florin Series, the first Canadian edition of, Norris's second novel. Covers are a bit dulled, corners, chipped, front cover starting to separate from spine, spine is, sunned and crinkled, small lack at top of back cover. Interior, opens to the half title which is chipped and has some foxing, and stains, also a stamp from "John Davidson" of Dundas, Quebec, (a man of the same name founded the town in 1831, and another, was the Indian Agent in 1888) , Small stain from the half title, communicates to the fore-edge of the first few pages, otherwise, clean and unmarked. Fragile and aged but still respectable and, intact, the very scarce Canadian first edition this work of, romance, derring-do and hi-jinks on the high seas off the coast, of San Francisco.
Place of Publication:Toronto
Year Printed:1899
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 26,36 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 28. March 2025 und 07. April 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
Versand nach:USA, Dänemark, Guatemala, Neuseeland, Fidschi, Papua-Neuguinea, Salomonen, Vatikan, Sierra Leone, Nauru, Wallis und Futuna, Marshallinseln, Anguilla, El Salvador, Gambia, Guam, Mikronesien, Dominikanische Republik, Kamerun, Guyana, Aserbaidschan, Polen, Georgien, Oman, Suriname, Tonga, Kenia, Argentinien, San Marino, Guinea-Bissau, Armenien, Usbekistan, Bhutan, Eritrea, Senegal, Togo, St. Kitts und Nevis, Marokko, Irland, Burundi, St. Vincent und die Grenadinen, Niederlande, Slowakei, Slowenien, Äquatorialguinea, Mauretanien, Belize, Philippinen, Aruba, Kongo, Demokratische Republik, , Kongo, Republik, Amerikanisch-Samoa, Schweden, Spanien, Island, Estland, Mazedonien, Belgien, Israel, Liechtenstein, Benin, Algerien, Bermuda, Montserrat, Sambia, Südkorea, Antigua und Barbuda, Vanuatu, Ecuador, Albanien, Italien, Swasiland, Äthiopien, Monaco, Niger, Tansania, Pakistan, Burkina Faso, Panama, Singapur, Kirgisistan, Schweiz, Ghana, Dschibuti, Puerto Rico, Kap Verde, Moldawien, Mali, Botsuana, Republik Kroatien, Kambodscha, Madagaskar, Portugal, Malta, Tadschikistan, Vietnam, Kaimaninseln, Paraguay, Libanon, Zypern, Seychellen, Liberia, Ruanda, Bangladesch, Bolivien, Malediven, Australien, Österreich, Gibraltar, Sri Lanka, Zentralafrikanische Republik, Gabun, Lesotho, Nigeria, Simbabwe, Mauritius, St. Lucia, Bulgarien, Jordanien, Guinea, Tschechische Republik, Kanada, Côte d'Ivoire (Elfenbeinküste), Turks- und Caicosinseln, Tschad, Kiribati, Andorra, Turkmenistan, Grenada, Griechenland, Rumänien, Costa Rica, Haiti, Indien, Grönland, Jemen, Mexiko, Afghanistan, Serbien, Kasachstan, Montenegro, Japan, Nepal, Bahamas, Litauen, Bahrain, Trinidad und Tobago, Großbritannien, Palau, Malawi, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Ungarn, Angola, Nicaragua, Finnland, Tunesien, Luxemburg, Uganda, Brasilien, Türkei, Samoa (Westsamoa), Frankreich, Deutschland, Ägypten, Lettland, Jamaika, Mosambik, Namibia, Peru, Jungferninseln (USA), Brunei Darussalam, Honduras
Versand ausgeschlossen:Französisch-Polynesien , Libyen , Neukaledonien , Guadeloupe , Venezuela , Réunion , Barbados , Martinique , Französisch-Guayana , Ukraine , ... und weitere