Gunsmith Cats Goldie vs Misty #2 von 7 Dark Horse Comics 1998
This is a rare and highly sought-after issue of Gunsmith Cats Goldie vs Misty #2 of 7, published by Dark Horse Comics in 1998. This comic book features the popular character Darkness in an action-packed adventure that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. The black and white style adds to the gritty atmosphere of the story, making it a must-have for collectors of all kinds. With a unit of sale as a single unit, this comic book is intended for a general audience. It is perfect for fans of US comics and those who enjoy action and adventure genres. This single issue format is a great addition to any collection, and its publication year of 1998 places it in the modern age era. Whether you are a collector or just a fan of the Darkness character, this comic book is a must-read.
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Unit of Sale:Single Unit
Tradition:US Comics
Series Title:Darkness
Publisher:Dark Horse Comics
Intended Audience:General Audience
Publication Year:1998
Type:Comic Book
Format:Single Issue
Issue Number:2
Era:Modern Age (1992-Now)
Style:Black & White
Main Character:Darkness
Genre:Action, Adventure
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 17,27 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 12. March 2025 und 21. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 17,46 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 12. March 2025 und 21. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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