Hari der Dschungeljunge
19,75 €
(Young Adult)Mukerji, Dhan Gopal: Hari The Jungle Lad: Hardcover.E. This book is in Very Good condition and is lacking the dust jacket. The book and its contents are in generally clean, bright condition.
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Author:Mukerji, Dhan Gopal
Book Title:Hari The Jungle Lad
Publisher:E. P. Dutton & Company
Publication Year:1928
Place Published:New York, NY
Topic:Young Adult
Printing:6th Printing
Book Condition:Very Good
Defects:This book is in Very Good condition and is lacking the dust, jacket. The book and its contents are in generally clean,, bright condition. The spine ends and corners of the book covers, have edge wear, bumping and rubbing. The lettering on the spine, of the book has rubbed away. The top front corner of the book, cover has noticeable bumping. The text pages are clean and, bright. There is a previous owner's bookplate and inked name on, the front pastedown page. "Dhan Gopal Mukerji ( Dhan Gopal, Mukhopadhyay. ) (6 July 1890 – 14 July 1936) was the first, successful Indian man of letters in the United States and, winner of Newbery Medal 1928. He studied at Duff School (now, known as Scottish Church Collegiate School) , and at Duff, College, both within the University of Calcutta in India, at, the University of Tokyo in Japan and at the University of, California, Berkeley and Stanford University in the US." (from, Wikipedia)
Illustrator:Morgan Stinemetz
Illustration Type:B&W Illustrations
Subject:Young Adult
Place of Publication:New York, NY
Year Printed:1928
Special Attributes:Illustrated
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 20,11 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 28. March 2025 und 07. April 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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