Harlan Ellison liest Jeffty ist fünf
154,58 €
Author SIGNED EDITION. THIS IS A RECORD (Album sized and with the normal illustrated Album sleeve). Harlan Ellison reads his own story: "Jeffty is Five" which was the 1977 winner of the Nebula award for short story along with the Hugo award for Short story, the 1978 British Fantasy Award for Short Story and the World Fantasy Award winner for 1977 short story.
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Author:Ellison, Harlan
Book Title:Harlan Ellison Reads Jeffty is Five
Publisher:The Kilimanjaro Corporation
Publication Year:1982
Place Published:Whittier, CA
Signed By:Author
Topic:Science Fiction And Fantasy
Edition:1st Edition Thus
Printing:1st Printing
Book Condition:Very Good+
Defects:SIGNED EDITION. THIS IS A RECORD (Album sized and with the, normal illustrated Album sleeve). Harlan Ellison reads his own, story: "Jeffty is Five" which was the 1977 winner of the Nebula, award for short story along with the Hugo award for Short, story, the 1978 British Fantasy Award for Short Story and the, World Fantasy Award winner for 1977 short story. The record is, still in its original plastic wrap and is in nice condition, overall. The plastic wrap has been opened at the bottom rear, corner so that Harlan could sign the sleeve: "Harlan Ellison /, 1 Nov / 1996" The record comes with a tray case to help keep it, protected. ""Jeffty Is Five" is a fantasy short story by, American author Harlan Ellison. It was first published in The, Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction in 1977, then was, included in DAW's The 1978 Annual World's Best SF in 1978 and, Ellison's short story collection Shatterday two years later., According to Ellison, it was partially inspired by a fragment, of conversation that he misheard at a party at the home of, actor Walter Koenig: "How is Jeff?" "Jeff is fine. He's always, fine," which he perceived as "Jeff is five, he's always five.", Ellison based the character of Jeffty on Joshua Andrew Koenig,, Walter's son." (From Wikipedia)
Illustrator:Jane Mackenzie
Illustration Type:Cover Art
Subject:Science Fiction And Fantasy
Place of Publication:Whittier, CA
Year Printed:1982
Special Attributes:Illustrated, Inscribed, Signed
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