HICKES Eine apologetische Rechtfertigung der Kirche von England 1706 Schismen Häresie
183,70 €
Text has minor foxing, occasional small pencil marks, but otherwise good. George Hickes (20 June 1642 O. S. - 15 December 1715 O. S. ) was an English divine and scholar. At the revolution of 1688, having declined to take the oath of allegiance Hickes was first suspended and afterwards deprived of his deanery.
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Author:Hickes, George
Book Title:An Apologetical Vindication of the Church of England: in Answer
Publisher:Walter Kettilby At the Bishop's Head
Publication Year:1706
Place Published:London
Title:HICKES An Apologetical Vindication of the Church of England
Edition:2nd Revised Edition
Book Condition:Good with no dust jacket
Features:Book is a small octavo measuring 4.75" x 7.75", [72] 160 pages,, as called for. In what appears to be the original calf leather, binding with blind ruling in lozenges, edges rubbed, hinges, cracked and front board reattached with white library tape,, spine worn with lacks at the bottom, Interior front cover has, old owner inscription marked out with a new name and date of, 1800, some of that ink has communicated to the first blank,, imprimatur as called for, with a pencil mark. Text has minor, foxing, occasional small pencil marks, but otherwise good. This, is a quite uncommon copy of Hickes' expanded 2nd edition, defense of the theology of the Church of England, held in only, a few libraries worldwide. George Hickes (20 June 1642 O. S. -, 15 December 1715 O. S. ) was an English divine and scholar. He, opposed both James II's declaration of indulgence and, Monmouth's rising, and he tried in vain to save from death his, nonconformist brother John Hickes (1633-1683) , one of the, Sedgemoor refugees harboured by Alice Lisle. At the revolution, of 1688, having declined to take the oath of allegiance Hickes, was first suspended and afterwards deprived of his deanery., When he heard of the appointment of a successor he affixed to, the cathedral doors a protestation and claim of right. After, remaining some time in concealment in London, he was sent by, Sancroft and the other nonjurors to James II in France on, matters connected with the continuance of their episcopal, succession; upon his return in 1694 he was himself consecrated, suffragan bishop of Thetford in the non-juring church. His, later years were largely occupied in controversies and in, writing, while in 1713 he persuaded two Scottish bishops, James, Gadderar and Archibald Campbell, to assist him in consecrating, Jeremy Collier, Samuel Hawes and Nathaniel Spinckes as bishops
Place of Publication:London
Year Printed:1706
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