Wie und warum Wunderbuch unserer Erde - Pbk-Felix Sutton-1960 - illustrierte Wissenschaft
12,39 €
Discover the wonders of science with the "How and Why Wonder Book of Our Earth" by Felix Sutton. This vintage paperback book, first published in 1960, is a part of the "How and Why Wonder Books" series and is perfect for young adults, ages 9-12, and children, ages 4-8. The book is beautifully illustrated by John Hull and covers various topics of science, including naturalism and mathematics & sciences. It is a great addition to any science enthusiast's collection and will surely spark a sense of curiosity in its readers. Get your hands on this first edition book, published by Grosset & Dunlap in the United States, and explore the wonders of our Earth.
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Book Title:How and Why Wonder Book of Our Earth
Book Series:How and Why Wonder Books
Original Language:English
Unit Type:Unit
Unit Quantity:1
Ex Libris:No
Narrative Type:Nonfiction
Publisher:Grosset & Dunlap
Intended Audience:Young Adults, Ages 9-12, Ages 4-8
Edition:First Edition
Publication Year:1960
Type:Picture Book
Literary Movement:Naturalism
Illustrator:john hull
Author:Felix Sutton
Genre:Mathematics & Sciences
Country/Region of Manufacture:United States
Number of Pages:48
Personalization Instructions:none
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 20,69 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 03. March 2025 und 10. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 19,88 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 03. March 2025 und 10. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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