Wie man ein guter Tänzer wird
25,90 €
B&W Illustrations:18th Printing.Very Good. Good This book is in Very Good condition and has a Good only dust jacket. The text pages are clean and bright. The rear endpapers have blue inked X marks and a previous owner's inked initials.
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Author:Murray, Arthur
Book Title:How To Become A Good Dancer
Publisher:Simon and Schuster
Publication Year:1947
Place Published:New York
Printing:18th Printing
Book Condition:Very Good in Good dust jacket
Defects:This book is in Very Good condition and has a Good only dust, jacket. The spine ends and corners of the book covers have some, light rubbing, bumping and light wear. There is some light, rubbing to the spine joints as well. The text pages are clean, and bright. The rear endpapers have blue inked X marks and a, previous owner's inked initials. The dust jacket has edg wear,, rubbing, edge tears, nicks, chips and general wear and tear., "Murray was inspired by a casual remark made by William, Jennings Bryan one evening at the hotel: "... You know, I have, a fine idea on how you can collect your money. Just teach 'em, with the left foot and don't tell 'em what to do with the right, foot until they pay up!" Murray thought about Bryan's remark,, and devised the idea of teaching dance steps with footprint, diagrams supplied by mail. Within a couple of years, over, 500,000 dance courses had been sold. On April 24, 1925, Murray, married his famous dance partner, Kathryn Kohnfelder (September, 15, 1906, Jersey City, New Jersey – August 6, 1999, Honolulu,, Hawaii) , whom he had met at a radio station in New Jersey. She, had been in the audience while he was broadcasting a dance, lesson."
Illustration Type:B&W Illustrations
Place of Publication:New York
Year Printed:1947
Special Attributes:Dust Jacket
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 22,10 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 28. February 2025 und 10. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 21,24 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 28. February 2025 und 10. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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