L.627 DVD - Ein Bertrand Tavernier Film
This L.627 DVD features a Bertrand Tavernier film with a runtime of 140 minutes and a certificate rating of 15. The DVD has a 16:9 anamorphic wide screen aspect ratio and is formatted for Region 2 (Europe, Japan, Middle East...). The movie is directed by Bertrand Tavernier and stars Didier Bezace, Nils Tavernier, Jean-Paul Comart, and Charlotte Kady. The DVD also includes features such as widescreen and with subtitles. It falls under the categories of Films & TV and DVDs & Blu-rays. The movie is a drama genre and was released in 1992. This DVD is perfect for individuals who enjoy watching films and is a must-have for fans of Bertrand Tavernier.
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