Lacino Hamilton Trotz der Folgen (gebunden) (UK-Import)
This hardcover book, "In Spite of the Consequences: Prison Letters on Exoneration, Abolition, and Freedom," is a powerful piece of literature written by Lacino Hamilton. With a foreword by Bill Ayers and published by 1517 Media in 2023, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in the topics of sociology, law enforcement, social activists, and penology. The 272-page book measures 9.2 inches in length and 6.2 inches in width, with a height of 235mm and a weight of 11.2 Oz. It is written in English and has an ISBN-10 of 1506488161. The book touches on the experiences of the author, who was wrongfully convicted and imprisoned for over 26 years, and his letters on exoneration, abolition, and freedom. This book is a valuable addition to any book collection.
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Subtitle:Prison Letters on Exoneration, Abolition, and Freedom
Release Year:2023
Publication Name:In Spite of the Consequences
Item Height:235mm
Title:In Spite of the Consequences
Contributor:Bill Ayers (Foreword by)
Country/Region of Manufacture:US
Release Date:07/25/2023
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 18,82 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 04. March 2025 und 13. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 18,58 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 04. March 2025 und 13. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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