Le Chat Stiefel (Kater in Stiefeln)
19,83 €
Color Illustrations:Pablo Ramirez.Very Good+. This book is in Very Good+ condition and has a Very Good+ dust jacket. The book and its contents are in mostlyc lean, bright condition. The text pages are clean and bright.
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Author:Latham, Jean Lee (translated by Michele Halverson)
Book Title:Le Chat Botte (puss In Boots)
Publisher:Bobbs-Merrill Company
Publication Year:1961
Place Published:Indianapolis, IN
Topic:Young Adult
Book Condition:Very Good+ in Very Good+ dust jacket
Defects:This book is COMPLETELY IN FRENCH. This book is in Very Good+, condition and has a Very Good+ dust jacket. The book and its, contents are in mostlyc lean, bright condition. There is some, light toning / sunning to both front and rear cover edges. The, text pages are clean and bright. There is a previous owner's, inked notation on the rear pastedown page. The dust jacket is, mostly clean and bright, but has a couple of beginning nicks to, the top spine end. "Jean Lee Latham was born in Buckhannon,, West Virginia. Her father was a cabinetmaker and her mother was, a teacher. She attended West Virginia Wesleyan College and, received an A. B. In 1925. She also attended Ithaca, Conservatory. While in Wesleyan College, she wrote plays. In, Ithaca, she taught English, history and play production. She, continued teaching in Ithaca after finishing her studies at, Cornell. Her first book for children was The Story of Eli, Whitney. Her book Carry On, Mr. Bowditch won the Newbery Medal, in 1956. " (from Wikipedia)
Illustrator:Pablo Ramirez
Illustration Type:Color Illustrations
Subject:Young Adult
Place of Publication:Indianapolis, IN
Year Printed:1961
Special Attributes:Dust Jacket, Illustrated
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 23,04 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 14. April 2025 und 23. April 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
Versand nach:USA, Dänemark, Guatemala, Neuseeland, Fidschi, Papua-Neuguinea, Salomonen, Vatikan, Sierra Leone, Nauru, Wallis und Futuna, Marshallinseln, Anguilla, El Salvador, Gambia, Guam, Mikronesien, Dominikanische Republik, Kamerun, Guyana, Aserbaidschan, Polen, Georgien, Oman, Suriname, Tonga, Kenia, Argentinien, San Marino, Guinea-Bissau, Armenien, Usbekistan, Bhutan, Eritrea, Senegal, Togo, St. Kitts und Nevis, Marokko, Irland, Burundi, St. Vincent und die Grenadinen, Niederlande, Slowakei, Slowenien, Äquatorialguinea, Mauretanien, Belize, Philippinen, Aruba, Kongo, Demokratische Republik, , Kongo, Republik, Amerikanisch-Samoa, Schweden, Spanien, Island, Estland, Mazedonien, Belgien, Israel, Liechtenstein, Benin, Algerien, Bermuda, Montserrat, Sambia, Südkorea, Antigua und Barbuda, Vanuatu, Ecuador, Albanien, Italien, Swasiland, Äthiopien, Monaco, Niger, Tansania, Pakistan, Burkina Faso, Panama, Singapur, Kirgisistan, Schweiz, Ghana, Dschibuti, Puerto Rico, Kap Verde, Moldawien, Mali, Botsuana, Republik Kroatien, Kambodscha, Madagaskar, Portugal, Malta, Tadschikistan, Vietnam, Kaimaninseln, Paraguay, Libanon, Zypern, Seychellen, Liberia, Ruanda, Bangladesch, Bolivien, Malediven, Australien, Österreich, Gibraltar, Sri Lanka, Zentralafrikanische Republik, Gabun, Lesotho, Nigeria, Simbabwe, Mauritius, St. Lucia, Bulgarien, Jordanien, Guinea, Tschechische Republik, Kanada, Côte d'Ivoire (Elfenbeinküste), Turks- und Caicosinseln, Tschad, Kiribati, Andorra, Turkmenistan, Grenada, Griechenland, Rumänien, Costa Rica, Haiti, Indien, Grönland, Jemen, Mexiko, Afghanistan, Serbien, Kasachstan, Montenegro, Japan, Nepal, Bahamas, Litauen, Bahrain, Trinidad und Tobago, Großbritannien, Palau, Malawi, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Ungarn, Angola, Nicaragua, Finnland, Tunesien, Luxemburg, Uganda, Brasilien, Türkei, Samoa (Westsamoa), Frankreich, Deutschland, Ägypten, Lettland, Jamaika, Mosambik, Namibia, Peru, Jungferninseln (USA), Brunei Darussalam, Honduras
Versand ausgeschlossen:Französisch-Polynesien , Libyen , Neukaledonien , Guadeloupe , Venezuela , Réunion , Barbados , Martinique , Französisch-Guayana , Ukraine , ... und weitere