Früh verlassen, spät angekommen, Taschenbuch von Jones, Teddy, brandneu, kostenloser Versand & Verpackung in T...
Left Early, Arrived Late, Paperback by Jones, Teddy, ISBN 0865346658, ISBN-13 9780865346659, Brand New, Free P&P in the UK This title creates an unconventional biography about the unconventional Marcia Muth, Memory Painter. Author Jones is influenced heavily by the "acorn theory" of James Hillman in which a soul-companion, a daimon, is the carrier of one's destiny; many segments of th are introduced by passages from Hillman's works and Jones maintains that Muth is accompanied by her daimon in her process of becoming who she was and is. Annotation ©2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR ()
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