Let My People Go A Haggada Passah Softcover von Mark Podwal 1972 3er Set
25,94 €
"Let My People Go: A Haggadah" is a vintage set of 3 softcover Passover haggadahs illustrated by the renowned artist, Mark Podwal. Published in 1972 by Darien House, this picture book features 127 pages of English and Hebrew text, focusing on the theme of Jewish oppression and liberation. The striking and original illustrations by Podwal depict the struggles of the Jews under oppressive regimes, particularly in the Soviet Union during the 1970s With a mix of spirituality, history, and cultural significance, this book is intended for young adults and adults interested in Judaism and holiday traditions. Each haggadah has general yellowing and some stains but, are in overall good used condition.
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Book Condition:Good
Book Title:Softcover
Original Language:English
Item Length:8 1/2 in
Unit Type:Unit
Item Height:11 in
Features:127 pages. English and Hebrew text. Clean inside, light, scuffing on the outer covers. The illustrations, according to, Theodor Bikel, "relate to the plight of the Jews in the Soviet, Union as the contemporary version of Jews smarting under the, whip of the oppressor.
Topic:Holidays, Judaism
Unit Quantity:3
Item Width:0.5 in
Ex Libris:No
Narrative Type:Nonfiction
Publisher:Darien House
Intended Audience:Young Adults, Adults
Publication Year:1972
Type:Picture Book
Illustrator:Mark Podwal
Author:Mark Podwal
Genre:History, Mind, Body & Spirit, Religious & Spiritual, Spirituality
Country/Region of Manufacture:United States
Item Weight:2 lbs. 10 oz
Number of Pages:128 Pages
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 27,30 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 28. February 2025 und 10. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 33,78 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 28. February 2025 und 10. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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