Missverstandene Fledermäuse Kinderspiel Pop Up Buch Vintage Kunst L’ Hommedieu
12,27 €
Discover the wonders of the world with "Misunderstood Bats" by Arthur John L'hommedieu. This vintage pop-up book from Child's Play International The Limited is perfect for young readers aged 2-12 who love science and nature. With 12 pages of fascinating facts and beautifully illustrated illustrations, this picture book is sure to captivate young readers and expand their knowledge about the world around them. Learn about the unique characteristics of bats, their habitats, and their fascinating behavior. This book is a must-have for any young reader's collection and is sure to provide hours of educational entertainment. Get your hands on this classic title today and share the wonder of nature with young readers everywhere!
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Book Title:Bats
Book Series:Information Ser.
Original Language:English
Publisher:Child's Play International The Limited
Item Length:5.9 in
Intended Audience:Ages 2-3, Ages 4-8, Ages 9-12
Publication Year:1996
Type:Picture Book
Item Height:0.6 in
Author:Arthur John L'hommedieu
Genre:Juvenile Fiction, Juvenile Nonfiction
Topic:Science & Nature / Zoology, Animals / Mammals, General
Item Weight:2.6 Oz
Item Width:4.3 in
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 17,38 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 17. March 2025 und 26. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 17,55 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 17. March 2025 und 26. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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