Alte Mission Santa Ines Solvang, Kalifornien
20,62 €
B&W Illustrations:1st Edition,1st Printing.Very Good+. This is a trade sized booklet with illustrated covers and a stapled spine. The booklet is in Very good+ condition and was issued without a dust jacket.
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Author:Merrill, King
Book Title:Old Mission Santa Ines
Cover:Stapled wraps
Publisher:Santa Ynez Valley Press
Publication Year:1954
Place Published:Solvang, CA
Format:Stapled wraps
Edition:1st Edition
Printing:1st Printing
Book Condition:Very Good+
Defects:This is a trade sized booklet with illustrated covers and a, stapled spine. The booklet is in Very good+ condition and was, issued without a dust jacket. The book covers are clean and, bright. The text pages are clean and bright. "Mission Santa, Inés (sometimes spelled Santa Ynez) was a Spanish mission in, present-day Solvang, California, United States, and named after, St. Agnes of Rome. Founded on September 17, 1804, by Father, Estévan Tapís of the Franciscan order, the mission site was, chosen as a midway point between Mission Santa Barbara and, Mission La Purísima Concepción, and was designed to relieve, overcrowding at those two missions and to serve the Indians, living north of the Coast Range. Sunset magazine editors wrote, of the Hidden Gem of the Missions: “With its simple,, straightforward exterior, Santa Inés fits one’s impression of, how a ripe old mission should look. ”The mission was home to, the first learning institution in Alta California and today, serves as a museum as well as a parish church of the, Archdiocese of Los Angeles. It is also designated a National, Historic Landmark, noted as one of the best-preserved of the 21, California missions. " (from Wikipedia)
Illustration Type:B&W Illustrations
Binding:Stapled wraps
Place of Publication:Solvang, CA
Year Printed:1954
Special Attributes:1st Edition
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 21,83 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 24. February 2025 und 04. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 20,98 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 24. February 2025 und 04. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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