Prince - Sign O the Times (DVD) DVD *NEU*OVP*
Inhaltsangabe: Der legendäre 1987er-Konzertfilm von und mit Prince. Mit 100-minütiger Interview-Dokumentation Prince - The Peach & Black Times + exklusiver Audiokommentar von The Peach And Black Podcast.1. Intro2. Sign O the Times3. Play in the Sunshine4. Little Red Corvette5. Housequake6. Slow Love7. I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man8. Hot Thing9. Nows the Time10. U Got the Look (Musikvideo)11. If I Was Your Girlfriend12. Forever in My Life / It13. Its Gonna Be a Beautiful Night14. The Cross15. Sign O the Times (Instrumental)Ausstattung:* Audiokommentar von The Peach and Black Podcast* Interview-Dokumentation Prince - The Peach & Black Times mit Dr. Fink (Keyboards), Cat Glover (Tänzerin), Levi Seascer Jr. (Bass), Susan Rogers (Toningenieurin), Leroy Bennett (Lichtdesign.
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