SELTEN: Votivopfer für Hathoren - Geraldine Pinch 1993 Ägyptologie
Votive Offerings to Hathor By Geraldine Pinch Oxford: Griffith Institute/Ashmolean Museum, 1993, First edition The definitive work on the subject, this book examines the worship in ancient Egypt of Hathor, the goddess of women and of foreign places, and the contribution which votive offerings can make to the study of a traditional religion. The first part of the book covers the main sites at which large groups of votive offerings to Hathor have been found. The second part examines the main types of votive object, with discussion of their possible symbolism. The final part examines the offerings in the general context of popular religion. Rare! 9.25" x 6.25". Soft cover. 408 pages with index plus 6 plans, 18 pages of illustrations, and 64 photographic plates.
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Author:Geraldine Pinch
Binding:Softcover, Wraps
Country/Region of Manufacture:United Kingdom
Place of Publication:Oxford
Publisher:Griffith Institute
Special Attributes:1st Edition, Illustrated
Topic:Egypt, Hathor
Year Printed:1993
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 35,06 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 11. March 2025 und 19. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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