Verwirklichung der Einheit: Die Praxis der spirituellen Heilung von Joel S. Goldsmith
This book titled "Realization of Oneness: The Practice of Spiritual Healing" by Joel S. Goldsmith is a valuable addition to any collection. It is a nonfiction narrative that explores the topic of spirituality, mind, body, and spirit, as well as religion and spirituality. The book is illustrated and comes in a collector's edition or book club edition, with a total of 1 page.The book was published in 1974 by Kensington Publishing Corporation and is written in English. It is intended for young adults, ages 9-12, and adults, with a weight of 16 oz and dimensions of 0.1 in x 0.1 in x 0.1 in. The book is part of the Historical book series and is an excellent resource for those interested in Christian history, Christianity, Jesus Christ, and healing/prayer and spiritual topics.
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Book Title:Realization of Oneness : the Practice of Spiritual Healing
Book Series:Historical
Narrative Type:Nonfiction
Publisher:Kensington Publishing Corporation
Item Length:0.1 in
Original Language:English
Intended Audience:Ages 9-12, Young Adults, Adults
Edition:Book Club Edition, Collector's Edition
Publication Year:1974
Item Height:0.1 in
Author:Joel S. Goldsmith
Genre:Mind, Body & Spirit, Philosophy, Religious & Spiritual, Spirituality, Body, Mind & Spirit
Topic:Christian History, Christianity, Jesus Christ, General, Healing / Prayer & Spiritual
Country/Region of Manufacture:Unknown
Item Weight:16 Oz
Item Width:0.1 in
Number of Pages:1 Pages
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 20,92 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 06. March 2025 und 17. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 20,07 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 06. March 2025 und 17. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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