Wiedergeburt im neuen Zeitalter
14,88 €
This is a trade sized paperback book. The book is in Good condition and was issued without a dust jacket. There is a tear to the top layer of the bottom rear spine joint of the book cover. The text pages are clean and bright.
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Author:Ray, Sondra & Leonard Orr
Book Title:Rebirthing in the New Age
Publisher:Celestial Arts
Publication Year:1977
Place Published:Milbrae, CA
Topic:Counter Culture
Printing:4th Printing
Book Condition:Good
Defects:This is a trade sized paperback book. The book is in Good, condition and was issued without a dust jacket. The spine ends,, corners and edges of the book covers have some edge wear,, rubbing, bumping and creasing. There is a tear to the top layer, of the bottom rear spine joint of the book cover. The book, covers have some light, generalized ground-in dirt and, spotting. The text pages are clean and bright. There is a, previous owner's inked initials on the half title page, along, with an ink-stamped 'Cheop". "Leonard OrrLeonard Orr is the, founder of Rebirthing Breathwork, also called Conscious, Breathing or Intuitive Energy Breathing. He discovered this, holistic healing modality in 1962 by taking long baths in which, he began breathing spontaneously in a connected rhythm,, experiencing great levels of relaxation and healing. Leonard, continued experimenting with his own individual breathing, sessions until 1973, when people asked him to facilitate, sessions for them. Early Rebirthing Breathwork sessions were, conducted in hot tubs with snorkels and nose clips to create a, womblike experience. “People experienced the peace that, surpasses all understanding, ” Leonard observed. “They breathed, themselves out of pain and tension into relaxation and peace., Most Rebirthing Breathwork sessions are physical, emotional,, and spiritual. People experience breathing out pain, tension,, drama, and trauma into relaxation and peace. ” (from Rebirthing, Breathwork International)
Illustration Type:B&W Illustrations
Subject:Counter Culture
Place of Publication:Milbrae, CA
Year Printed:1977
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 22,89 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 24. March 2025 und 02. April 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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