Rockwell Kent: Eine Anthologie seiner Werke
83,96 €
(Illustrators)Johnson, Fridolf (edited and with an introduction by): Rockwell Kent: An Anthology of His Works: Hardcover.Alfred A. Knopf,New York.1981. B&W Illustrations:Rockwell Kent.1st Edition,1st Printing.Near Fine.
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Author:Johnson, Fridolf (edited and with an introduction by)
Book Title:Rockwell Kent: An Anthology of His Works
Publisher:Alfred A. Knopf
Publication Year:1981
Place Published:New York
Edition:1st Edition
Printing:1st Printing
Book Condition:Near Fine in Near Fine dust jacket
Defects:This book is in Near Fine condition and has a Near Fine dust, jacket. The book and its contents are in clean, bright, condition. "Rockwell Kent was born in Tarrytown, New York. Kent, was of English descent. He lived much of his early life in and, around New York City, where he attended the Horace Mann School., In his mid-40s he moved to an Adirondack farmstead that he, called Asgaard where he lived and painted until his death. Kent, studied with several influential painters and theorists of his, day. He studied composition and design with Arthur Wesley Dow, at the Art Students League in the fall of 1900, and he studied, painting with William Merritt Chase each of the three summers, between 1900 and 1902 at the Shinnecock Hills Summer School of, Art, after which he entered in the fall of 1902 Robert Henri's, class at the New York School of Art, which Chase had founded., During the summer of 1903 in Dublin, New Hampshire, Kent was, apprenticed to painter and naturalist Abbott Handerson Thayer., An undergraduate background in architecture at Columbia, University prepared Kent for occasional work in the 1900s and, 1910s as an architectural renderer and carpenter. At the Art, Students League he would meet and befriend the artists, Wilhelmina Weber Furlong and Thomas Furlong. " (from Wikipedia)
Illustrator:Rockwell Kent
Illustration Type:B&W Illustrations
Place of Publication:New York
Year Printed:1981
Special Attributes:1st Edition, Dust Jacket, Illustrated
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