Pfadfinder Feldbuch
39,34 €
This is a trade sized paperback book. The book is in Very Good condition and was issued without a dust jacket. The book covers are generally clean and bright. The text pages are generally clean and bright.
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Author:Boy Scouts Of America / James E. West, William (Bill) Hillcourt
Book Title:Scout Field Book
Publisher:Boy Scouts of America
Publication Year:1944
Type:Trade PB
Place Published:New York, NY
Topic:Boy Scouts
Book Condition:Very Good
Defects:This is a trade sized paperback book. The book is in Very Good, condition and was issued without a dust jacket. The book covers, are generally clean and bright. The spine ends and corners of, the book covers have some light bumping, rubbing and wear. The, text pages are generally clean and bright. There is a previous, owner's inked name on the front inside cover of the book., "Author credit went to both James E. West, Chief Scout, and, William Hillcourt. West retired as Chief Scout Executive in, 1943 and was named Chief Scout until his death in 1948 (only, other Chief Scout was Ernest Thompson Seton). Cover art was by, BSA art director Don Ross, who also did the cover art for the, 1948 Scout Handbook, the 1947 & 1953 Scoutmaster Handbooks, and, the Cub Scout Handbooks of the period. The book is lavishly, illustrated with black-and-white photographs. Some photos were, updated as uniform styles changed. Chapters are called, "Pow-wows". The back cover of many printings had an index, listing references to all Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First, Class advancement requirements." (from the BSA website)
Illustration Type:B&W Illustrations
Subject:Boy Scouts
Place of Publication:New York, NY
Year Printed:1944
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 23,43 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 04. April 2025 und 14. April 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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Versand ausgeschlossen:Französisch-Polynesien , Libyen , Neukaledonien , Guadeloupe , Venezuela , Réunion , Barbados , Martinique , Französisch-Guayana , Ukraine , ... und weitere