Shepard Fairey, selten! SWINDLE Magazin Ausgabe Nr.1 Hardcover Hip Hop Grandmaster
19,75 €
Swindle was a highly coveted magazine/book published quarterly by Shepard Fairey and team at Obey Giant Studios. This is the rare 1st issue in hardcover featuring Hip Hop artist Grandmaster Flash. The list of contributors can't be beat! Great condition, glossy pages of amazing art, music, stories, fashion. It's a keepsake for the street artist, fashion-forward, music loving person. Would also work well as an eclectic store display for a boutique, pop-up, or music store, among other things. (The shadows on the pages are from the tree outside my window where I took the pics. The pages are pristine, glossy, beautiful, no wrinkles.)
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Publication Name:No 1
Publisher:Obey Studios
Publication Month:January
Publication Year:2004
Unit Type:lb
Publication Frequency:Quarterly
Issue Number:1
Contributors:Claw Money
Distribution:Controlled Circulation
Features:Limited Edition
Genre:Art & Photography, Celebrity, Design, Music
Topic:Hip Hop
Country/Region of Manufacture:United States
Unit Quantity:1
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 27,27 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 28. March 2025 und 07. April 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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Versand ausgeschlossen:Ghana , Dschibuti , Réunion , Kap Verde , Mali , Botsuana , Sierra Leone , Madagaskar , St. Helena , Seychellen , ... und weitere