Sherlock Holmes and the Somerset Hunt by Rosemary Michaud SIGNED
37,03 €
Sherlock Holmes is called to the West Country to look into an accident to a horseman. Once there, the rider's fiancée tells Holmes and Watson of the stirrup that led to the fall and the detective finds a number of interesting leads, including a pretty widow living on the estate, surreptitious notes, antagonism between the rider and his brothers and suspicion between the rider and his father. But even more intriguing is the tale of the disappearance of the lady of the house some three years before. Once Holmes has solved the mystery of the broken stirrup, he turns his attention to Mrs. Hewitt's absence and, after some hard riding, much to Watson's discomfort, that mystery is also solved.
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Book Title:Sherlock Holmes and the Somerset Hunt
Book Series:Sherlock Holmes
Publisher:Henry Publications, Ian
Publication Year:1993
Author:Rosemary Michaud
Features:Dust Jacket
Topic:Mystery & Detective / General, Mystery & Detective / Private Investigators
Item Weight:10.4 Oz
Number of Pages:200 Pages
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 18,98 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 24. February 2025 und 05. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 18,71 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 24. February 2025 und 05. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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