Sybil, Or The Two Nations By Disraeli World’s Classic Novel 1960s Reprint HCDJ
20,53 €
This is a classic novel by Benjamin Disraeli titled "Sybil, or the Two Nations". Reprinted by OUP (The Worlds Classics) in 1968, this hardcover book features a dust jacket. The book is written in English and is a must-have for those interested in social justice, and the conditions and political class system of early to mid 19th Century’s history of England. Originally written by Disraeli in 1845, the author's masterful storytelling skills will keep readers engaged throughout the novel. This item is perfect for collectors and enthusiasts of historical literature. In very good shape. Please see photos for best description of condition. Approx size: 6” x 4” x 1”
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Publication Year:1968
Book Title:Sybil or, the Two Nations , Disraeli, Benjamin, OUP (The Worlds C
Book Series:Historical
Author:Disraeli, Benjamin
Features:Dust Jacket
Publisher:OUP (The Worlds Classics)
Original Language:English
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 19,20 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 10. March 2025 und 19. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 19,15 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 10. March 2025 und 19. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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Versand ausgeschlossen:Postfach , APO/FPO , Amerikanisch-Samoa , Mikronesien , Guam , Marshallinseln , Palau , Jungferninseln (USA) , Französisch-Polynesien , Libyen , ... und weitere