Das Beste von Gourmet von der Herausgabe des Gourmet-Magazins (1990, Hardcover-Kochbuch)
Indulge your taste buds with The Best of Gourmet cookbook, written by the editors of Gourmet Magazine. This first edition hardcover cookbook features 336 pages of mouth-watering recipes that are perfect for adult audiences. The book covers a variety of topics including event planning, seafood, cooking, gourmet recipes, and general food. Whether you are an amateur or a professional chef, this cookbook is a must-have with its original language in English, dust jacket, and illustrated features. The Best of Gourmet cookbook is a vintage item from the 1980s and has a dimension of 9 inches in length, 11.5 inches in height and 1 inch in width. Get your hands on this cookbook to experience a wide range of flavors without compromising on quality.
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Book Title:Best of Gourmet
Book Series:The Best of Gourmet
Narrative Type:Nonfiction
Item Length:9 in
Publisher:Random House Publishing Group
Original Language:English
Intended Audience:Adults
Edition:First Edition
Publication Year:1990
Item Height:11.5 in
Author:Gourmet Magazine Editors
Features:Dust Jacket, Illustrated
Genre:Cookbooks, Food & Drink, Cooking
Topic:Cooking, Food, Seafood, General, Gourmet Recipes, Event Planning
Country/Region of Manufacture:United States
Item Width:1 in
Item Weight:49.3 Oz
Number of Pages:336 Pages
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 30,50 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 26. March 2025 und 04. April 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 40,18 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 28. March 2025 und 07. April 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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