Die Essays rät Zivil und Moral von Francis Bacon, einschließlich seiner
20,57 €
Reprint,Very Good. This is a small format book (approx. 6" x 4"). The book is in Very Good condition and is lacking a dust jacket. There are several tiny spots of discoloration to the spine of the book covers.
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Author:Bacon, Francis (with An Introduction by Henry Morley)
Book Title:The Essays Counsels Civil And Moral Of Francis Bacon
Publisher:Home Book Company
Publication Year:2018
Place Published:New York, NY
Topic:English Literature
Book Condition:Very Good
Defects:This is a small format book (approx. 6" x 4") . The book is in, Very Good condition and is lacking a dust jacket. The spine, ends and corners of the book covers have some light bumping and, rubbing. There are several tiny spots of discoloration to the, spine of the book covers. There is a previous owner's inked, name and date on the front endpaper, along with an ink stamped, previous owner's library stamp and book number. There is a, second previous owner's library stamp on the front pastedown, page. The text pages are clean and bright, with the exception, of some pages having a previous owner's hand-drawn pointed, finger at a particular sentence or paragraph. "Bacon has been, called the father of empiricism. He argued for the possibility, of scientific knowledge based only upon inductive reasoning and, careful observation of events in nature. He believed that, science could be achieved by the use of a sceptical and, methodical approach whereby scientists aim to avoid misleading, themselves. Although his most specific proposals about such a, method, the Baconian method, did not have long-lasting, influence, the general idea of the importance and possibility, of a sceptical methodology makes Bacon one of the later, founders of the scientific method. His portion of the method, based in scepticism was a new rhetorical and theoretical, framework for science, whose practical details are still, central to debates on science and methodology. He is famous for, his role in the scientific revolution, promoting scientific, experimentation as a way of glorifying God and fulfilling, scripture. " (from Wikipedia)
Subject:English Literature
Place of Publication:New York, NY
Year Printed:2018
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 24,11 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 24. February 2025 und 05. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 23,89 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 24. February 2025 und 05. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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