Der trauernde Körper: Wie der Stress des Verlustes eine Chance zur Heilung sein kann:
22,58 €
Coping with death and grief is one of the most painful human experiences. Dr. Mary-Frances O’Connor specializes in the study of grief, and in The Grieving Body she shares vital scientific research, revealing imperative new insights on its profound physiological impact.
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Format:Paperback, 304 pages
Author:Mary-Frances O'Connor
Book Title:The Grieving Body: How the Stress of Loss Can Be a
Item Height:2.3 cm
Item Length:22.8 cm
Item Weight:0.37 kg
Item Width:15.2 cm
Economy Shipping from outside:eBay SpeedPAK Economy 22,05 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 26. March 2025 und 08. April 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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