The History of the Most Renowned and Victorious Princess Elizabeth Late Queen of
Bibliotheksexemplar mit Prägestempel, ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar / library copy with embossed stampa good and clean copy - The Elizabethan age is here seen through the eyes of one of the most prominent scholars of that period. William Camden, an official of Queen Elizabeths court, a confidant of her great minister Lord Burghley, and a founder of the Society of Antiquaries, wrote this History as a monument to the achievements of the queen and her government. -- Camdens aim was to present the political, economic, and social events of his time in the plainest, most lucid style possible. He was confident that the bare facts would command the admiration of his readers. Further, he had a concept of the role of the historian that was unique among his contemporaries.
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