Die unglaubliche Reise durch den menschlichen Körper von Nicholas Harris - WIE NEU
Explore the fantastic world of the human body with this illustrated nonfiction book titled "The Incredible Journey Through The Human Body" by Nicholas Harris. Discover the intricacies of the human body without mentioning its current state. This book is designed for ages 4-8 and includes unique windows cut on each page to showcase the body's different systems. Learn about the human body's history, functions, and structure through this book's exploration, reference, and fitness topics. The book features a biographical approach to understanding the human body's story. With 32 pages, the book is available in paperback format and was published in 2000 by Orpheus Books, Ltd in Singapore. Get your copy today and embark on an incredible journey through the fascinating world of the human body.
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Book Title:The Incredible Journey Through The Human Body
Narrative Type:Nonfiction
Title:The Incrediable Journey Through The Human Body
Publisher:Orpheus Books, Ltd
Age Level:Ages 4-8
Original Language:English
Intended Audience:Ages 4-8
Modified Item:No
Publication Year:2000
Type:Illustrated Book
Special Attributes:Special Windows Cut in each page
Author:Nicholas Harris
Genre:Life Sciences, Personal & Professional Development
Topic:Human Body, Exploration, Fitness, Reference
Country/Region of Manufacture:Singapore
Subjects:Biographies & True Stories
Number of Pages:32
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 18,16 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 24. February 2025 und 03. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 17,97 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 24. February 2025 und 03. March 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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