Das kleine Buch der Atemarbeit: Finde Ruhe, verbessere deinen Fokus und dein Gefühl
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11,19 €
If you're looking for ways to boost your overall health and well-being, and tools that can bring you instant calm, then breathwork is the answer. Learn how to use the power of your breath to gain clarity, peace and better health with this beginner's guide to the ancient practice of breathwork.
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Format:Paperback, 128 pages
Author:Peters, Jo
Book Title:The Little Book of Breathwork: Find Calm, Improve
Item Height:1.3 cm
Item Length:14.5 cm
Item Weight:0.15 kg
Item Width:10.4 cm
Economy Shipping from outside:eBay SpeedPAK Economy 17,91 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 17. April 2025 und 05. May 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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