Das Bedürfnis, stillzuhalten: Gedichte von Lisel Müller [Taschenbuch, 76 Seiten]
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19,27 €
An adventurer, Lisel Mueller pursues the protean possibilities of communication. More often she experiences exhilaration in the shapes that communication makes possible. ""I'm trying to make connections,"" Lisel Mueller says of her poems, ""looking for links between where we have been and where we are going, between the life outside and the life within."".
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Format:Paperback, 76 pages
Author:Lisel Mueller (Other)
Book Title:The Need to Hold Still: Poems by Lisel Mueller [Pa
Item Height:0.6 cm
Item Length:22.9 cm
Item Weight:0.11 kg
Item Width:13.9 cm
Publisher:Louisiana State University Press
Economy Shipping from outside:eBay SpeedPAK Economy 3,45 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 11. April 2025 und 28. April 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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