Der Leitfaden für Eltern zur Ergotherapie bei Autismus und anderen besonderen Bedürfnissen:
Preface. 1. What is Occupational Therapy? My Child Doesn't Work!. 2. What are Core Muscles and Reflexes, and Why Are They Important to my Child's Function?. 3. Feeding and Oral-Motor (Muscles of the Mouth). 4. Handwriting and the Upper Extremity (Arm). 5. What Do You Mean, We Have More Than Five Senses?. 6. Behaviour and Transition During Daily Activities. 7. Toilet Training. 8. Social Skills and Relationships. 9. OT in School vs. OT in an Outpatient Setting/Clinic. Pocket Occupational Therapist Developmental Checklists. Resource Area. Index.
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