The Psychanalytic Study of the Child. Volume XXIV. Eissler, Ruth S. (Ed.) u.a.:
Gutes Ex.; Umschl. gering berieben. - Englisch. - INHALT : Contributions to Psychoanalytic Theory ---- SELMA FRAIBERG-Libidinal Object Constancy and Mental Representation. ---- ALVIN FRANK-The Unrememberable and the Unforgettable: Passive Primal Repression. ---- WILLIAM I. GROSSMAN and BENNETT SIMON-Anthropomorphism: Motive, Meaning, and Causality in Psychoanalytic Theory. ---- Aspects of Normal and Pathological Development ---- RUDOLF EKSTEIN and ELAINE CARUTH-Levels of Verbal Communication in the Schizophrenic Child's Struggle against, for, and with the World of Objects. ---- ANNA FREUD-Film Review: John, Seventeen Months: Nine Days in a Residential Nursery by James and Joyce Robertson. ---- PHYLLIS GREENACRE-The Fetish and the Transitional Object.
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