Das Schiff von Ishtar
14,81 €
Cover Art:Douglas Rosa.4th Printing.Very Good-. This is a mass market paperback book. The book is in Very Good- condition and was issued without a dust jacket. There is a very slight slant to the spine of the book.
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Author:Merritt, A. (Abraham Grace Merritt )
Book Title:The Ship of Ishtar
Publisher:Avon Books
Publication Year:1966
Place Published:New York, NY
Topic:Science Fiction And Fantasy
Printing:4th Printing
Book Condition:Very Good-
Defects:This is a mass market paperback book. The book is in Very Good-, condition and was issued without a dust jacket. There is a very, slight slant to the spine of the book. There is some light, bumping, rubbing and wear to the spine ends and corners of the, book cover. There is some creasing to the spine joints, light, bumping and beginning nicking. The text pages are generaly, clean and bright, but have some generalized very light toning., "His fiction, eight complete novels and a number of short, stories, was only a sideline to his journalism career. One of, the best-paid journalists of his era, Merritt made $25,000 per, year by 1919, and at the end of his life was earning $100,000, yearly—exceptional sums for the period. His financial success, allowed him to pursue world travel—he invested in real estate, in Jamaica and Ecuador—and exotic hobbies, like cultivating, orchids and plants linked to witchcraft and magic (monkshood,, wolfbane, blue datura, peyote, and cannabis). He was described, as a hypochondriac who talked endlessly about his medical, symptoms, and showed eccentric behavior like a need to try out, any food, tobacco and medicine he found on his coworkers, desks." (from Wikipedia)
Illustrator:Douglas Rosa
Illustration Type:Cover Art
Subject:Science Fiction And Fantasy
Place of Publication:New York, NY
Year Printed:1966
Special Attributes:Illustrated
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 22,79 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 31. March 2025 und 08. April 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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