Das Shoshoni Kochbuch vegetarische Rezepte aus dem Shoshoni Yoga Retreat
19,75 €
This paperback book is in Very Good condition and was issued without a dust jacket. This is a larger than trade sized paperback book and its contents are in clean, bright condition. There is a noticeable vertical crease to the front cover of the book.
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Author:Saks, Anne & Faith Stone
Book Title:The Shoshoni Cookbook
Publisher:Book Publishing Company
Publication Year:1992
Place Published:Summertown, TN
Topic:Cook Books
Edition:1st Edition
Printing:1st Printing
Book Condition:Very Good
Defects:This paperback book is in Very Good condition and was issued, without a dust jacket. This is a larger than trade sized, paperback book and its contents are in clean, bright condition., There is a noticeable vertical crease to the front cover of the, book. The text pages are clean and bright. "The name "Shoshone", comes from Sosoni, a Shoshone word for high-growing grasses., Some neighboring tribes call the Shoshone "Grass House People,", based on their traditional homes made from sosoni. Shoshones, call themselves Newe, meaning "People". Meriwether Lewis, recorded the tribe as the "Sosonees or snake Indians" in 1805., ...The Shoshone are a Native American tribe, who originated in, the western Great Basin and spread north and east into, present-day Idaho and Wyoming. By 1500, some Eastern Shoshone, had crossed the Rocky Mountains into the Great Plains. After, 1750, warfare and pressure from the Blackfoot, Crow, Lakota,, Cheyenne, and Arapaho pushed Eastern Shoshone south and, westward. Some of them moved as far south as Texas, emerging as, the Comanche by 1700. " (from Wikipedia)
Subject:Cook Books
Place of Publication:Summertown, TN
Year Printed:1992
Special Attributes:1st Edition
Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 22,94 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 28. March 2025 und 07. April 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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