Die Einnahme von Helen
24,69 €
Limited Edition,Very Good+. Limited to 750 copies, this copy is number 647 and is signed by the author on the limitation page. The book is in Very Good+ condition and is lacking a dust jacket. The book and its contents are in generally clean, bright condition.
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Author:Masefield, John
Book Title:The Taking of Helen
Publisher:Macmillan Company
Publication Year:1923
Place Published:New York
Signed By:Author
Topic:Modern Fiction First Editions
Edition:Limited Edition
Book Condition:Very Good+
Defects:First American Edition. Limited to 750 copies, this copy is, number 647 and is signed by the author on the limitation page., The book is in Very Good+ condition and is lacking a dust, jacket. The book and its contents are in generally clean,, bright condition. The edges of the book covers have some light, toning. There is some beginning ground-in dirt to the covers as, well. The text pages are clean and bright. Both endpapers have, heavy patches of toning where newspaper articles have been, laid-in. "In 1921 Masefield received an honorary doctorate of, literature from the University of Oxford. In 1923 he organised, Oxford Recitations, an annual contest whose purpose was "to, discover good speakers of verse and to encourage 'the beautiful, speaking of poetry'." Given the numbers of contest applicants,, the event's promotion of natural speech in poetical, recitations, and the number of people learning how to listen to, poetry, Oxford Recitations was generally deemed a success., Masefield was similarly a founding member, in 1924, of the, Scottish Association for the Speaking of Verse. He later came, to question whether the Oxford events should continue as a, contest, considering that they might better be run as a, festival. However, in 1929, after he broke with the competitive, element, Oxford Recitations came to an end. The Scottish, Association for the Speaking of Verse, on the other hand,, continued to develop through the influence of associated, figures such as Marion Angus and Hugh MacDiarmid and exists, today as the Poetry Association of Scotland. " (from Wikipedia)
Subject:Modern Fiction First Editions
Place of Publication:New York
Year Printed:1923
Special Attributes:Limited Edition, Inscribed, Signed
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Expedited shipping:eBay International Shipping 20,24 EUR - Lieferung zwischen 28. March 2025 und 07. April 2025 (bei heutigem Zahlungseingang)
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